New Dairy Innovation Technology
Today’s dairy farms look much different than they did a decade ago. With the pace of technology and scientific innovation, that’s sure to be the case for the next 10 years, as well.Thanks to leading research and technology, dairy farms from coast to coast are more efficient and productive than ever before. In fact, USDA reports milk production per cow has increased about 11.5 percent in the last decade.
And the progress isn’t slowing anytime soon, says Jason Osterstock, vice president of precision animal health for Zoetis.
“We obviously recognize that innovation never stops. And so whether that’s looking at new genetic predictions, new ways that we can use the information, new tools to help extract more value from it, those are all things that we work on every single day.”
Partnering with Holstein Association USA, Zoetis has developed advanced technology and resources over the years. Coming soon, Registered Holstein breeders can look for new features with the Enlight 2.0 roll out.
“We’re continuing to do that collaboration across a wide range of areas and really excited about the introduction of Enlight 2.0, which is a reinvigoration and additional functionality for that platform, and ultimately, helping producers extract more value from their investment in genetic testing.”
Zoetis prioritizes sustainability for improving efficiencies and a dairy producer’s bottom line.
“As we look at our portfolio across genetic tests, therapeutics, vaccines, diagnostics, it’s all about how do we help provide a comprehensive solution to address those challenges, and ultimately, create a profitable cow?”