Climate's FieldView Plus Pt 1
I’m Bob Larson. If you want to know how efficiently your farm is running, look at the numbers. Seems simple enough.And that’s exactly what Climate’s FieldView Plus does.
Climate’s Austin Horn says you’re probably more familiar
with their parent company…
HORN … “We are a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bayer Crop Sciences. We are the digital arm, the digital farming platform for Bayer Crop Science. It’s an ever-growing important part of our strategy and our product offerings.”
And when it comes to expenditures, Horn says FieldView Plus simplifies your business …
HORN … “We know it’s a tight margin game for growers. It allows them to use metrics, data, to use the numbers to make sure they understand how to optimize their outputs and, ultimately, their profitability.”
From a decision-making standpoint, Horn says growers love it …
HORN … “Climate FieldView is an industry leader in helping growers collect data from multiple sources, analyze it and then make decisions that drive actionable insights with their operation that ultimately lead to more profitability.”
Technology, Horn says brings it all together …
HORN … “We look at data across all the rotations. We help you understand, how can these crops work together. So, we aren’t biased toward just row crops. We do have an ability to use our field health imagery and data collection services with a variety of crops.”
Tune in tomorrow for more on FieldView Plus.
Horn says go check out for more information.