Investing in Grass Fed Livestock

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
Consumer demand for grassfed livestock continues to grow, but buying calves to graze is not a cheap endeavour. This is an opportunity that crowdfunding platform Harvest Returns sees as a perfect fit for their investors. Rather than in taking an equity stake in the business itself, investors would just fund the actual cattle, and harvest their returns when the cattle are sold for market. CEO Chris Rawley said it’s an example of the investment platform filling a real need for both producers and investors.
Rawley… “What we've actually done is created a investment structure that collateralized grass fed cattle, and we've done a number of those deals and it's basically an income play. It produces yield while helping these grassfed producers to grow their herds. Scale their herds more rapidly by having short term sorts of notes and our investors like it because depending on how we structure them, they're fairly short term exits, and they also produce that nice cashflow and there's security there.”
Rawley said this gives the producer money when they need it and provides relatively quick potential returns for investors.
Rawley… “The cattle and the care and upkeep of the cattle until they grow into production size.”
Harvest Returns also lists other types of ag-related investments on their platform at