David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
An American Farm Bureau Federation program connects farmers and ranchers to those who are food insecure. With the holidays around the corner and an increased focus on food insecurity across the nation, farmers and ranchers can help those in need through Farm Bureau’s Harvest for All program. Jarad Plair of Florida and a Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher Committee member, says the program provides food to Americans facing food insecurity.

“The Harvest for All program is a partnership between the American Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers program and local food charities. The goal of this partnership is to provide food to people in need around the United States. So [the] Harvest for All campaign includes activities organized by state and county Farm Bureaus in collaboration with local food charities across the country.”


Plair says the 19-year program is a proven success.

“In 2020 the YF&R program across the country donated nearly 52 million pounds of food, spent over 22,570 hours volunteering and donated over $1.4 million to their local food banks.”


Getting involved in the program is easy.

“There’s three aspects of the program, you can donate food, donate funds or donate volunteer hours. Essentially to participate, you can contact your state or local county Farm Bureau, and get involved with one of their many different opportunities to do one of the three: to donate food, donate hours or donate funds.”


Contact your local Farm Bureau to learn more.

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