Connecting with Consumers

Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
Technology allows us to farm more efficiently, but it also opens up new opportunities to connect directly with consumers. One of those opportunities is by allowing RVers to park at farms overnight. Harvest Hosts is a platform where RV travelers find desirable locations to stay while traveling. Host farms are then expected to offer products for sale to those travelers. Harvest Hosts’ director of partnerships and host relations Molly Edgington says the money is definitely nice, but the connections that form are even more powerful.
Edgington… “Even just hearing from our members, the connections that they make with our host locations are unbelievable. I mean, on the farm side, we have members that have been able to help with alpaca sharings or they're stepping in and building a barn because they felt that the host location needed their support. And they stayed an extra couple of days because they're so grateful for these overnight stays. They're so grateful to not have to be in an RV campground with, you know, hundreds of other RVs, but this beautiful experience where they wake up on a farm, all of this acreage waking up to the sunrise, it's just an experience that's unforgettable. So it truly is a cost free opportunity for our host locations. All we ask us for that space for at least one RV to stay overnight and products to sell, and we'll get you set up.”
If this is something that’s of interest, you can check out their website at