Half-Time Farmers Pt 2
With today’s Fruit Grower Report, I’m Bob Larson. A public records request uncovered some legislative talking points, that argue in favor of the recently passed capital gains income tax, saying farmers work less than half-time to make $250,000 annually.Pam Lewison with the Washington Policy Center, says they have to know who language like this will hurt …
LEWISON … “These are legislators who have gone on farm tours. You know, they’re on the bus with us and they’re not unaware of these things, but I think sometimes the legislative agenda gets pushed in front of the realities of farm life, and that’s pretty concerning when you start looking at the effects of these pieces of legislation on particularly small to midsize farms.”
Lewison says the consequence of the capital gains income tax wasn’t truly thought out with struggling farmers in mind …
LEWISON … “So, you’re paying 7% interest on having to sell your land so you can continue to operate. So, you’re just sprinkling salt into the wound already. This is not something that is affecting large farms or farms that have corporate investments. This is something that affects the midsize and small farms who are struggling to get by.”
Lewison says there’s no one-size fits all …
LEWISON … “Every facet of agriculture is different and unique and they all have time factors that are incredibly different and unique as well.”
But, Lewison says NOBODY she knows works less than half time, or full time for that matter.