Bayer selecting the right herbicide

Bayer selecting the right herbicide

Rick Worthington
Rick Worthington
Bayer selecting the right herbicide

Fall planting has started.

If you are a farmer thinking about winter wheat, what kinds of things should you be thinking about?

Travis Frei is a cereal expert for Bayer and explains...

"Growers should be thinking about having a clean field before planting. Having a clean field enables the crop to get a head start on the weeds, which can include goat grass and cheatgrass."

What should growers consider when choosing a burndown product or a pre-emerging herbicide?

"Growers can leverage RT® 3 Herbicide as a burndown product. RT® 3 Herbicide has shown reliable, consistent performance on tough-to-control weeds, such as non-glyphosate resistant Russian thistle and kochia."

Unfortunately one of the bigger concerns for farmers right now - especially those in the heartland - is lack of season precipitation.

Farmers say, if the rain doesn’t come in time, it could have an effect on yields. In order for his wheat to sprout and grow, crops will need a significant amount of rain.

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