California Table Grape Promotion and Cover Crops for Feed Production
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**Seeking out California-grown grapes at the grocery store benefits rural communities around the state, according to the California Table Grape Commission, which has developed a marketing campaign encouraging shoppers to support the state's farmers and their employees.
The campaign will feature radio ads in Spanish and English.
California farms produce almost all table grapes grown in the U.S., but face competition from imports.
**The state of California is looking to build on the success of the Grower Shipper Association of Central California’s quarantined housing program with an expanded statewide effort to limit the spread of the coronavirus in rural areas.
Governor Gavin Newsom tells the new Housing for the Harvest program will provide safe, temporary isolation spaces for farm workers who test positive or
were exposed to the virus.
That, he says will limit the risk of spreading COVID-19.
**Traditionally, cover crops have been planted to help improve soil health, reduce rain runoff and prevent invasive weed species from taking root.
But, according to, while these environmental benefits are great, some farmers have started to grow cover crops for … feed production
Tough growing conditions wreaked havoc on traditional feed sources last summer, leaving many with poor feed quality and reduced yield. But, some producers were able to take advantage of prevent plant acres to make up for some lost forage.