CFAP Final Payments and U.S. Beef to South Africa
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**The FDA will attempt to restart on-site inspection of facilities they regulate starting next week.
FDA Commission’s Stephen Hahn tells, domestic inspections depend on situations in any given state and locality, like services that have been curtailed by the pandemic, including public transportation.
The FDA will alert companies of the inspections, allowing them to assure the safety of the FDA inspector, and that the appropriate staff are on site to assist in the process.
**When USDA announced its coronavirus relief payment plan it wasn't clear when, or even if, farmers would get all of the payments that they are eligible for.
Now, USDA undersecretary Bill Northey says there should be enough money on hand to give farmers the remaining 20% of what they are due under the $16 billion Coronavirus Food Assistance Program.
According to, farmers should be getting those final payments by the time signup for CFAP ends August 28th.
**U.S. beef variety exports to Sub-Saharan Africa have surged in 2020, with shipments through May more than doubling year-over-year in both volume and value.
Shipments are mostly beef livers, but also include kidneys and hearts.
South Africa is the leading destination, but exports are also trending higher to Angola, Gabon and Ivory Coast.
USMEF’s Matt Copeland, of Durban, South Africa, last fall became that organizations first Africa-based representative.