If you are an ag producer but don't see your crop listed as eligible under the coronavirus food assistance program or CFAP, don’t give up just yet…” because we realize that we don't have pricing information for all programs and all crops. These are the initial crops that were identified for the program. However, USDA is accepting additional commodities through a NOFA process. The NOFA is a notice of funds availability.Latrice Hill, director of outreach for the Farm Service Agency, says the NOFA process is basically a public request for more information.
I would submit that information through the regulations that go website to provide to USDA before June 22nd. That's the deadline.
Meanwhile, there are many commodities that USDA lists as not eligible for payments, under CFAP
And just to give you some examples of what they are, sheep that are more than two years old, eggs, layer's soft red winter wheat, hard red winter wheat, white wheat, rice, flax, rye, peanuts, feed barley, alfalfa, forage crops, hemp and tobacco.
But she added that this list is not set in stone.
All commodities except for health and tobacco USDA may reconsider these excluded commodities if credible evidence is provided that supports that five percent price decline.
Again, producers have until June 22nd to submit information.
We don't want people to think, oh well, my commodity isn't listed so well, I don't qualify. There is still that opportunity.
For more information and details, go online to Forward slash cfap.