American Meat Consumption Down and Biotech Modernization
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**Rural roads and bridges in California have "significant deficiencies," according to a new study.
A national research group rated 21% of California rural roads in "poor" condition, the 11th worst in the country, and says fatalities occur twice as often in rural accidents as on the state's other roads.
Researchers say the pandemic has heightened the importance of rural roads for moving food and other essential supplies.
**USDA data shows the coronavirus, which has shut down meat plants and put millions out of work, will reduce American meat consumption 4% this year, or 10 pounds per person. reports, the USDA also says soybean exports and corn used for ethanol will be the smallest since 2012/2013.
And, the U.S. could see its first 16-billion-bushel corn crop, leading to the largest corn stockpile in nearly four decades and the lowest corn price in 14 years.
**The USDA issued its final rule to modernize biotechnology regulations in agriculture, marking the first comprehensive revision since they were established in 1987.
The Sustainable, Ecological, Consistent, Uniform, Responsible, and Efficient, or SECURE rule modernizes the agency's oversight of traditional and new plant breeding methods such as gene-editing and acknowledges regulations should match the risk.
This announcement fulfills USDA's obligations under President Trump’s Executive Order directing USDA, EPA, and FDA to modernize the regulatory framework for biotechnology products.