The Value of the American Pistachio Growers Organization

The Value of the American Pistachio Growers Organization

Patrick Cavanaugh
Patrick Cavanaugh
Jimi Valov is a long time pistachio grower with orchards in Both Tulare and Kings Counties. Over the years has been active on the board of the association and comments on the importance of it

The value of the American Pistachio Growers Association. I'm Patrick Cavanagh with the California Trina report. Jimmy velar is a longtime pistachio Gore with orchards in both Tulare County and Kings County. Over the years he's been very active with the association and he comments on the value of it.

“I think it's very important for the American Pistachio Growers Association being in everyone's lives,” said Valov. “We're tackling it a little differently than what the other guys are doing and you know that we're doing more on health and nutrition. They're finding out now this year we have more protein than an egg does and we have a much longer shelf life. So they're really digging down into the protein aspect of it and all the other extra little things that the pistachio nut has.

Of course, Valov says other nuts have it too. “But pistachios just seem to have maybe a tad bit more than some of the other ones,” he explained.

“As far as the APG, I think it's a great organization to be involved with. I had a lot of people that were going with the other guys that actually came home to us,” he said. “So it was nice. We've grown a substantially, I think we had like a 1,100 attendees at this last APG Conference,” he noted. “And when I was serving as chair in 2015, it was like 750 members. And we are still growing,” Valov said.

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