Ag Inputs Online
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
The past couple of decades has seen a dramatic shift in retail buying. Most shoppers now regularly buy goods online. But ag retail, meaning those that sell fertilizer, chemicals and other products to farmers is largely transacted the same way.
Some companies are out to change that, including Daniel Cathey, the Founder of Sacramento-based INPUTS.
Cathey… “There are various inefficiencies and I think there's a lot of ways to save farmers money. And also I think there's ways to help empower kind of independent consultants as well.”
Cathey sees value in facilitating the transaction between farmers and product manufacturers. He says this all starts with having a good pulse on all of the available products that exist globally.
Cathey… “We essentially try to get distribution rights to products that are comparable or even better than what retailers currently have. And we essentially provide direct from manufacturer pricing to consultants so that they could actually get that pricing to their farmers. And also independent farmers that have their own internal agronomist and PCA's they can actually purchase from us as well.”
Companies like Inputs are sure to benefit if new consumer habits start translating more to farmer buying. You can learn more about Inputs at