U.S. Wheat to Kenya and Lemon Prices Down Amid Glut
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue says, effective immediately, U.S. wheat may now be shipped to Kenya regardless of state of origin or port of export.
This important step will allow U.S. wheat from Idaho, Oregon, and Washington to be added to the list of states that can ship wheat to Kenya.
For 12 years, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has worked closely with Kenyan officials to address plant health concerns keeping U.S. wheat out of Kenya.
**Lemon prices are reportedly lower than a year ago.
Farmers say larger crops and overlapping harvests from other growing areas have put more fruit on the market.
Today, more farmers are harvesting a new, seedless variety they hope will boost lemon sales.
Most demand for lemons comes from food service buyers that use them as condiments.
California produces about three-quarters of the lemons grown in the U.S.
**U.S. dairy’s use of water to produce milk is roughly five times more efficient than it was in 1960.
According to milkbusiness.com, research conducted by Nebraska’s Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute found annual water investments in U.S. livestock dropped 36% with dairy leading the way. Pork was next, at nearly 4X; poultry, 3X, and beef, about double.
The improvement likely came from a combination of selective breeding, genetic engineering and supplements resulting in more food being produced per animal.