For those that missed the NCBA trade show
For those that missed the NCBA trade showLike last year, NCBA’s top policy priorities include issues related to international trade, proper regulation of fake meat, and regulatory reform, although after a series of significant policy victories in 2019, this year’s priority list is focused on implementing and protecting those gains while further advancing progress into new territory.
For example, after helping secure bilateral trade deals with Japan, China, and the European Union, as well as the ratification of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, NCBA’s focus this year will turn to implementing those deals, while still expanding access in those markets -- as well as newly changed markets like the post-Brexit United Kingdom.
Likewise, after securing proper regulatory oversight of fake meat by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration, NCBA in the coming year will work to build on that successful regulatory framework while also advancing bipartisan legislative efforts like the Real MEAT Act in the U.S. House and Senate to end deceptive labeling of plant-based fake meat.