Potato LEAF Pt 2
I’m Bob Larson. The Potato Leadership, Education and Advancement Foundation is the new organization established to help build industry leaders for the future. It was launched last month at the Potato Expo in Las Vegas and Othello potato farmer Shelley Olsen is chair …OLSEN … “I don’t know if you’re familiar with our Potato Leadership Institute program, the leadership, industry leadership, but it is just an outstanding 10-day program. A different state hosts every year, so we’ll have industry people, not even just growers but we have folks from the processing plants and anybody who is really interested in building a relationship and having some role in seeing how things work.”
On how the program works, Olsen says …
OLSEN … “They go through this 10-day program and they end in D.C. at the Fly In. So then, we break these folks up and they go with their state representatives and meet, you know, they go to the House and the Senate and they meet their actual representatives and it is just a really cool experience and it’s a different side of things than being a tourist in D.C. It’s really rewarding and really interesting.”
Olsen says all donations are appreciated and can be made a couple of different ways including on your phone …
OLSEN … “They can still use the text option or they can go to www.pleaf.org and go online and do it that way. There’s, we will always take their money, any way possible.”
For more information or to contribute to this worthy cause, go to www.pleaf.org