Christmas Tree Shortage

Christmas Tree Shortage

Rick Worthington
Rick Worthington
Christmas Tree Shortage

Come Black Friday, traditionally, Christmas tree farmers business really takes off for the season.

But in some parts of the country, tree farms are going to be far and few between.

The most popular Christmas trees are in short supply.

Two factors, occurring years ago, contributed to the shortage.

In 2008, the economy was tanking.

Many farmers across the country decided to either quit the business or plant fewer trees.

Since it takes about seven years from the time a sapling is planted until it hits the 6 to 7-foot mark, the point at which most are sold as Christmas trees, we’re just now seeing the impact of the problems of the past.

When it comes to what goes under your tree, retailers say shop early for best selection.

This year, the same goes for Christmas tree sellers.

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