Pork Belly Record and Syngenta Top Ag Employer

Pork Belly Record and Syngenta Top Ag Employer

Bob Larson
Bob Larson
From the Ag Information Network, I’m Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.

**The U.S. has a record level pork belly sitting in cold storage, with more than 40 million pounds in refrigerated warehouses as of September 30th, the most for the month since 1971.

According to agweb.com, this stockpile stems from hog producers building up their herds in anticipation of more demand of imports from China following the African swine fever outbreak there.

As of September 1st, the U.S. herd had skyrocketed to 77.7 million head, a record for the month and highest since 1943.


**Syngenta has been recognized as one of the world’s leading biotech employers, and the top agriculture employer, in the 2019 Science Careers Top Employers Survey.

The company ranked 10 out of 20 top employers in biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, pharmaceutical and related industries, marking the tenth year of recognition by the prestigious global survey.

Treating employees with respect, being socially responsible and being an innovative leader in the industry were among the characteristics over 76-hundred survey participants cited as Syngenta’s strengths.

**It makes sense when you think about all the jack-o'-lanterns we saw on front porches recently, but California produced a "healthy" pumpkin crop this year.

The USDA ranks California third in the nation in tonnage of pumpkin production, behind Illinois and Texas, but ranks No. 1 in crop value, because nearly all the state's crop is sold in the ornamental market.

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