Better Beef Demand

Better Beef Demand

Rick Worthington
Rick Worthington
Better Beef Demand

What are you willing to pay to continue eating thick and tasty steaks and burgers?

Randy Blach with CattleFax says quality grade has increased significantly in the past few years, leading consumers to demand better beef.

The grasslands of the Great Plains, combined with an abundance of water, have made the United States a perfect place to raise large livestock. (Thus the millions of buffalo that once roamed the Plains.)

The resulting abundance of meat, which in many parts of the world is harder to come by, has shaped our appetites. Americans consume more beef per capita than any other advanced nation, save Brazil, which is also blessed with abundant grasslands and irrigation.

To this end, the average American spends more on beef each year than they do any other type of meat, including poultry, fish, and eggs. It's not even close, in fact.

He says, the beef demand can be seen where consumers are spending their money.

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