Organic Dairy Scorecard
Shoppers can now choose between organic dairy products produced by large-scale factory operations and those produced by family farms.Mark Kastel with the Cornucopia Institute, says since both lines share the same USDA logo, his institute created a mobile-friendly Organic Dairy Scorecard to help consumers spot the difference.
"So this is a way to vote with your pocketbook for better food for your family and to save the livelihoods of these hard-working farmers," Kastel said.
Kastel said the organic dairy movement was founded in part so that family-sized farms could survive by milking cows. He said the scorecard is a way for shoppers to support the livelihoods of small-scale farmers.
"They're now being crushed by the same factory farms with thousands of cows that have driven most of the conventional milk producers out of business."
Two new studies out of Newcastle University have confirmed several benefits of consuming organic dairy and meat. The papers, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, show that organic milk and meat contain about 50% higher levels of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids than conventionally produced products.
Kastel said the good news is that consumers in just about every geographic market can still access authentic organic dairy products.