Hops Oversupply Pt 1
I'm Bob Larson. Cheer up beer lovers! We're not going to run out of hops any time soon. That's the word from the Department of Agriculture's National Ag Statistics Service that reports a bit larger over-supply than last year.The Washington Hop Commission's Jaki Brophy says the overstock doesn't count for every variety ...
JAKI BROPHY ... "It depends. There is an excess of supply in some varieties. I think the thing to keep in mind is that, not too long ago, at the most we probably had about 50 varieties that we would grow, and I think some growers said that there's basically 30 varieties that people used to focus on. Now we have more than 80 varieties in the U.S. that get grown."
Brophy says supply fluctuates naturally as growing expands ...
JAKI BROPHY ... "Overall, our stocks are growing and I think last year it was actually in relation with the amount of different varieties that we now have in store, but yes, there are certain varieties that we do have an excess of that I'm sure will find homes in international markets or other places, especially as international markets are growing. But, then there's some varieties that we're still working to meet a demand. So, it just depends on which variety you're asking about."
Brophy says everything grown in Washington state is contracted for before planting either by a brewery or by a merchant that's looking for extra supply.
Listen tomorrow for more on this year's Hop supply and the adjustments being made.