U.S. Beef Roadshow in China and Gene Editing Debate
From the Ag Information Network, I'm Bob Larson with your Agribusiness Update.**The U.S. Meat Export Federation has completed its "U.S. Beef Roadshow" in China, a series of marketing events in China's three largest cities: Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
The events were organized in cooperation with the USDA Foreign Ag Service and utilized funding support from the Nebraska Beef Council.
Each of the events attracted more than 300 Chinese importers. The exporter turnout was also strong, as 20 Federation member companies took part.
**President Trump offered FEW specific policy promises to the Ag community during this presidential campaign, but one was clear: He pledged to support the Renewable Fuel Standard.
But, according to Agri-Pulse, recent actions by his EPA are making members of the renewable fuels industry nervous.
In July, EPA proposed to reduce the total 2018 RFS renewable fuel blending requirements below the levels required in 2017. And, late last month, the agency said it was considering further reductions.
Industry groups sent a letter to the president, commending his earlier commitment and outlining they're worries.
**The global cotton, wheat, and specialty crops technology lead at Monsanto says gene editing allows for more crop diversity.
Dr. Shannon Hauf tells Brownfield the cost of gene editing is considerably less than genetic modification, creating additional pathways for crops other than corn and soybeans, including wheat which she thinks will be the recipient of a lot of opportunities.
And Hauf says the same holds true for fruits and vegetables.