One Day Left To Respoind To EPA Banning Herbicide Atrazine
I'm Susan Allen Wednesday is the last day for farmers to make their voice heard regarding the Environmental Protection Agency's draft ecological risk assessment on the herbicide atrazine used on corn. The EPA proposal recommends limiting the use of atrazine extensively, serving as a de facto ban on the herbicide. Atrazine, a key ingredient in nearly 100 herbicide mixes farmers use, is scientifically proven safe and is a critical weed control tool for farmers, according to the National Corn Growers Association and Stewardship Action Team Chairman Brent HostetlerHostetler:If you are producer I urge you whether you are in the field or maybe you had a rain delay like me, submit some comments right now. Go to the National Corn Growers website right there on the front page there are links to a comment on atrazine as well as fight EPA .com
Catch that , that was Fight EPA .com
Hostetler:The science that the EPA has used is flawed at best and they have ignored science advisory panels of there own. Basically I think they are caving into extreme environmentalists s and if atrazine is going through this process and can't pass on the way they are running this , what other chemical will. If we lose atrazine we are in trouble on a broader scale. If you are in the field right now, stop at the end row take a few minutes and go to it's right there on the front page you can sign the petition and or submit a letter. There is a form letter there and tell the EPA they have to be accountable for there lack of use of sound science and what Atrazine means to your farm and your bottom line.
Again the deadline to submit comments is Wednesday, October fifth. Submit your comments online by visiting NCGA dot com