Livestock Producers Need to Prepare for VFD Now
I’m sure most all livestock producers are aware that as of January, the Veterinary Feed Directives will be in place. Hopefully most have learned at least a little about how this might change their individual operation and their production management. Simplot Land & Livestock Director of Research and Veterinary Services Dr. Randall Raymond tells producers to begin preparing now.Raymond: “I think the biggest thing that beef producers need to really do and think about is to get a relationship with a veterinarian. Help them understand what your operation is like, what your challenges are, where they can provide value. Get that relationship built so when the time comes when you need a prescription or Veterinary Feed Directive they know you and your operation and they can help you fine tune where to put those products and have the right documentation in place so you can do your job.”
He continues with what might be an issue for producers once the directives are in place.
Raymond: “I think that the biggest challenge that people are going to find is the timing of when they need to have products and going through the process of having the right paperwork in place is not going to necessarily line up. So they need to be prepared enough to know what they think they might need and have that conversation ahead of time so that the feed can be prepared and the documentation is in place.”