Time to For Colorado State Fair Entries
The Colorado State Fair’s General Entry Department provides an opportunity for all state residents to participate in the Fair. Whether you are a master baker or a beginning photographer, the opportunities to demonstrate your talent and compete for best in show are vast. Colorado State Fair General Manager Sarah CummingsCummings: “Well, there are many ways to participate — depending on your areas of interests — we have over 1,500 classes you can enter in 12 departments. New this year for 2016 people can go online and enter online. You can take a look at all the entry departments that you can enter. We’ve got everything from needle arts, floriculture, field crops, pantry, cooking competitions and there are special events onsite. If you are interested in livestock, you can enter that online again visiting us at coloradostatefair.com “
Registration fees range from $1 to $5 and there are some discounts for multiple entries.
Cummings: “As a former exhibitor myself, as a child I participated I entered baking, cookies and sewing. It was so cool — child and adult alike — walk into the fair and this is the state fair and see your work and your name on the wall. It’s the coolest thing. I really encourage people to look into it and participate.”
The Colorado State Fair runs August 26 - September 5, 2016.