Nominations Open for 2017 Potatoes USA Board Members
Potatoes USA announces nominations are now open for new Board Members for the 2017 to 2020 term. Sixty members will be elected or re-elected to fill open seats and the seats of outgoing board members who are completing their second three-year term in March 2017. Potatoes USA Industry Relations Manager Alexandra Grimm shares moreGrimm: “We’re looking for growers or members of the industry to participate on our boards. It is really important for us to have these members, because we need them to be a voice for us back in their growing region. Then they have to be a voice for their growing region, at our board meetings because they are the ones that help shape our programs going forward. They are the ones that elect leadership from their different regions that help shape our program.”
Grimm emphasis that this year it is very important for all paper work to be turned into her by the August first deadline.
Grimm: “We need to have all original paper work sent into USDA. That deadline is very important this year because of the election year; so it is going to take a little bit longer to get through the USDA and government process because of that election year.”
All state potato organizations have received the information and materials to begin the process of seeking and nominating interested growers. All growers will be seated on the Board at the Annual Meeting in Denver in 2017.