Misinformation regarding Gypsy Moths and GMO's
Regarding GMO’s and Gypsy Moths don't believe everything you see on the internet! I’m Susan Allen this is Washington Ag Today, where we bring you the facts about our state's agriculture so that you will able to tell truth from fabrication. The recent efforts of the Washington State Department of Agriculture to spray for invasive gypsey moths infestations have come under attack by anti-GMO activists who claim the WSDA’s is using a genetically modified bacteria in their gypsy moth treatments. I called Karla Salp WSDA’s Environmental Education Specialist to ask if this was fact or fiction.Salp: For the record: there are no GMO’s in the product we are using for gypsy moth treatments.
“It is also not a Monsanto product. The product, Foray 48B, is made by Valent Biosciences and is approved by the USDA’s National Organics Program (NOP) for use in organic agriculture up to and including the day of harvest. The NOP requires natural sources for all ingredients so the product cannot include GMO ingredients.
If you eat organic produce, you have likely consumed Btk, the active ingredient in Foray 48B.
Btk is a naturally occurring soil bacteria that is toxic only to caterpillars. It is not toxic to humans, pets, birds, fish, or bees. It has been used safely for decades. It is available to purchase at most garden centers, and many organic gardeners use it in their gardens as well.” If you’d like more information to visit the WSDA website where you can learn about Btk and human health. www.agr.wa.gov/gypsymoth. I’m Susan Allen with the Washington Ag Today on the Ag Information Network of the West.