Washington Grown

Washington Grown

Washington Grown. I'm Greg Martin with Washington Ag Today.

If you haven't checked out the TV program "Washington Grown" better get online and do so. The program that takes a look at Washington farmers has caught the eye of a very prestigious award group. Ryan Holterhoff with the Washington Potato Commission says that's quite an honor.

HOLTERHOFF: It's very, very exciting and I think it says a lot about the quality of Washington Grown in general as Washington Grown was nominated for three different Emmy awards. It's the first time its received that honor and so we're really pleased to see if be recognized for the quality that it has and for the opportunity to go forward and potentially win one of these awards.

Holterhoff says they just completed the third season.

HOLTERHOFF: And we're in the process of starting to do production and filming on season four. It's a weekly ag-related TV show that takes people on a journey from - really the fields to people's plates and how they're able to use all the great food that's grown in Washington.

The awards will be held in June in Seattle. You can catch the show on Northwest Cable News and some of the local PBS stations in addition to streaming on their website, wagrown.com and we all wish them the very best of luck.

(Act Naturally - Buck Owens)

And that's Washington Ag Today. I'm Greg Martin, thanks for listening on the Ag Information Network of the West.

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