Online Tool Helps Farmers Determine Strategies to Reduce Green House Gas Emissions

Online Tool Helps Farmers Determine Strategies to Reduce Green House Gas Emissions

Determining what your farm or ranch’s carbon footprint can be challenging, now there is an online tool that can assist you not only determining your operation’s footprint but also can help figure out how different farming practices might impact that footprint. Colorado State University Crop and Soil Scientist Dr. Keith Paustian says that COMET-Farms online tool can assist farmers
Paustian: “It’s quite unique. It really does a state-of-the-art — the best science is embedded within the tool to calculate and estimate what the green house gas emissions are for different kind of practices. Then how emissions can be reduced with different management practices but it is online, it’s free and it is secure. It is designed really though that people who understand their management — they don’t to be experts on greenhouse gasses or even really know what green house gases are. They just need to understand their farm and how they management. They can put that information in and the system will calculate a green house gas footprint for their operation. they can try different scenarios to see how that footprint might change.”
The best way to find the online tool is to google COMET-farm — that stands for CarbOn Management and Evaluation Tool.



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