Seeking Nominees to Represent the US Sheep Industry in Tri-Lamb Young Leader Program

Seeking Nominees to Represent the US Sheep Industry in Tri-Lamb Young Leader Program

If you are a young sheep industry producer — young being defined as 22 to 40 years old — who has some leadership potential and are interested in gaining more leadership skills and participating in a two year international program, the Tri-Lamb Young Leader Program might interest you.

Two producers will be selected to represent the US in a summer program that will include travel to both Australia and New Zealand to learn more about their countries' sheep industry.

American Lamb Board Executive Director Megan Wortman says

Wortman: "So we are looking for producers that are exhibiting future leadership potential that we hope will take this experience and run with it. That this will just be a stepping stone for getting involved in our industry's organizations and really becoming the leaders of tomorrow."

Wortman continues with how young producers can apply for this program.

Wortman: "So the application process is two-fold. It is a very straightforward written application. It is a online survey that people can just shoot me an email and I can provide them a link. My email is Then those applications are due March 15th. Then the second part of the application process is that the Lamb Board members will be conducting interviews with those applicants. We will the decisions very quickly as we want people to have ample time to make travel plans. So the successful applicants will be notified by April first."

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