Elanco Products to Benefit Beef Producers

Elanco Products to Benefit Beef Producers

I recently visited with Elanco Animal Health Executive Sales Consultant Floyd Lewis. He shares highlights several of Elanco’s products available for beef producers.
Lewis: “The big thing about our component line of implants is that our first pellet is Tylan in the implant — so we cut down drastically on infection in ears at implant sites. If you are going to invest the couple of dollars to implant a calf to try to get the $20 to $40 increase of gain — you want it to stay there and perform properly. So that is the reason for the Tylan pellet in the component product.”
Lewis continues with more information on Elanco’s proven treatment for Bovine Respiratory Disease.
Lewis: “Micotil was the first microlide antibiotic to hit the marketplace. It is a very good product. The reason why it is as every bit as good or even better than the other microlides that are available today — is because we have a flex dose on the that product. You can administer that product from 1 and 1/2 to 3 ml per 100 pounds of body weight. So if you hit that 2 ml threshold it allows you treat 86 percent of a group of cattle at the proper dosage for the proper weight. The other thing that is really unique about that product is we are the only ones that have data that prove we are in lung tissue in one hour and in consolidated lung tissue in two hours and that it is still available in lung tissue in 10 days. Every one makes that claim — but no one else has the data to back that up.”
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