I ran into old hockey buddy Bill Blackadar who is presently a wild fish biologist. Prior to that, I think he had the dream job. He was a river rafting, fishing and camping guide. "That was a great life. We did high-end McKinsey River drift boat tours down the Middle Fork only. Fly fishing, family rafting with the Middle Fork being a major, wild stream with a wild stock of returning salmon, should knock and steelhead as well, which we were not fishing for because they are endangered but segueing that into this gig now, it is the scientific and technical side of actually monitoring these fish and getting a good grasp of their population and really taking a scientific approach to fish recovery. When you were guiding on the river what were the accommodations? The accommodations for the company that I had worked for called Solitude were premier. Tents with pads set up when you got to camp. Comfortable hard chairs and tables all the way down to a warm shower at night. This was a luxury river trip. How about the food? Food was a main part of what people took away from the trip aside from the scenery. Always good. Hardy country fair with meats and salads every night. And on the river, are you literally guiding the raft as well? Guiding the raft, cooking the meals, tying the flies, did it all 16 hours a day.