Three New ClearField Soft White Winter Wheat Varieties
I’m here at the Tri-State Grain Growers Convention in Spokane and had the opportunity to visit with LimaGrain Cereal Seeds COO Frank Curtis about their three new ClearField soft white winter wheat varieties that are now available for wheat growers in the Pacific Northwest.Curtis: “The varieties that everybody is talking about now are the soft white winter wheat ClearField Plus varieties which we are releasing in collaboration with the University of Idaho. We have UI Magic, CL Plus UI Castle and UI Palouse all two gene Clearfield varieties and all will be available to producers in the Pacific Northwest in 2016.”
He continues with what this increase in ClearField variety choices will mean to growers.
Curtis: “The important thing about these CL Plus varietityes is that the PNW acreage of winter wheat is 87 percent soft wheat and around about half the soft white is in Clearfield varieties. Now the non-Clearfield growers — they’ve got have about 30 or 40 varieties to choose from but the Clearfield growers have got 3 or 4 varieties to choose from and that is for half of this 87 percent of the acreage is in soft white wheat. So I think introducing three new varieties with different agronomic types is going to be a huge benefit to growers who need a ClearField variety but don’t necessarily have a wide range of varieties to choose from.”