Idaho Bird Kill & Ecology Caution
Idaho Bird Kill & Ecology Caution. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.Just when we thought we'd gotten passed the avian disease issue we hear that upwards of 2000 snow geese have died in Eastern Idaho from avian cholera not to be confused with the high pathogenic avian influenza in the news as of late. They are two different things. Idaho Fish & Game has been working to clean up the dead birds that in many cases appear to have died in the air or just as they were landing. Authorities don't know where the birds may have picked up the bacteria but cholera comes from water areas.
The Washington State Department of Ecology has issued a forecast predicting dust storms and wildfires in the months ahead for predominately Central and Eastern parts of the state but according to the department's communications manager, Camille St. Onge, anyone who might be traveling from outside this area needs to take some precautions.
ST ONGE: These normally happen in Central and Eastern Washington so these are not abnormal. But what is different is these drought-like conditions really set us up for the potential of more severe dust storms and then also the wildfires. One area of concern is people in Western Washington who don't travel through Central or Eastern Washington very much, they're not aware of these dust storms that occur and they're just not prepared.
Ecology is urging people especially in these areas to make sure they keep dust masks close at hand especially if they work out doors through out the season.
That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network of the West.