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32 Results
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Technology in agriculture is growing every day and SmartVisionWorks has a big seat at the table bringing customers artificial intelligence for food sorting.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Technology in agriculture is growing every day and SmartVisionWorks has a big seat at the table bringing customers artificial intelligence for food sorting.
California Ag Today
The Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF) says publications advocating against certain agriculture products highlight a bigger issue with consumer knowledge. Back with us today is AFF’s Executive Director Teresa Thorne.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
SmartVisionWorks is bringing customers Artificial Intelligence for food sorting at a new and more effective level and VP of Product Development and Innovation, Curtis Koelling tells us how.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
SmartVisionWorks is bringing customers Artificial Intelligence for food sorting at a new and more effective level and VP of Product Development and Innovation, Curtis Koelling tells us how.
California Ag Today
The “Dirty Dozen” list gets released every year disparaging popular, affordable, and more-accessible fruits and veggies. Alongside many groups, the Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF) has repeatedly raised questions about the environmental group’s credibility. AFF says the “Dirty Dozen” list lacks science-based findings.
Fruit Grower Report
US Apple president Jim Bair talks about the litany of allegations activists throw at ag groups and the food they produce.
Fruit Grower Report
US Apple president Jim Bair talks about the litany of allegations activists throw at ag groups and the food they produce.
The Agribusiness Update
Pandemic disruptions for beef could carry well into next year, and Ag groups pleased with COVID relief package passed by Congress.
The Agribusiness Update
COVID-19 relief coming for those who suffered agriculture losses due to pandemic, and American Farm Bureau Convention will be Virtual and Free.
The Agribusiness Update
Tuesday marks the first day ag producers can sign up for assistance under the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple Association president Jim Bair talks about the barrage of accusations ag producers face, including apple growers.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple Association president Jim Bair talks about the barrage of accusations ag producers face, including apple growers.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple Association president Jim Bair he knows what it's like to be the target of activists.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple Association president Jim Bair he knows what it's like to be the target of activists.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Skagit County is a hotbed for potatoes in the red, gold, purple and white varieties.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Skagit County is a hotbed for potatoes in the red, gold, purple and white varieties.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple Association president Jim Bair talks about the nonsense attacks they face from activist groups.
Fruit Grower Report
U.S. Apple Association president Jim Bair talks about the nonsense attacks they face from activist groups.