David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D. Jerry Miller is founder and president of and we talked about the way that he started his company and the remarkable growth that has experienced. Lonely farmers and ranchers can go to this website for a love connection. Jerry started the idea when a farm girl said she couldn’t meet anybody. “Everybody thought I was crazy. I put it together by hanging flyers in seed stores and getting the word out. A couple of small papers ran an article and then it started growing. I got some big hits from some national publications. Newsweek magazine did a story and that hit the AP and all of a sudden I got a lot of media exposure back in 2005. We are growing at a very fast pace now. At the beginning, I was not ready for all the traffic. It was like building a restaurant 400 people and all of a sudden 10,000 people show up for dinner. The membership has doubled in the last year. There are over 1 million people who have signed up. It is dominoing because every time somebody gets married they tell their friends and most of the people that write are thrilled. I was talking to one lady who had two children, she has a daughter that got married from the site and so her son went on and he got married. It is amazing.
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