Wolf Advisory Panel
Wolf Advisory PanelI'm Lacy Gray with Washington Ag Today.
Two years ago the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Director, Phil Anderson, appointed nine people to serve on a two year advisory panel in regards to wolf recovery and management in the state. This advisory group represents ranchers, environmentalists and hunters; and while the group has no official authority, Fish and Wildlife says their advice and counsel has been very helpful. Panel members terms expire the end of next month. Tom Davis, with the Washington Farm Bureau.
DAVIS: If folks are interested in being considered for appointment to this wolf advisory group they should contact the Director's office in the Department of Fish and Wildlife. With Phil Anderson retiring at the end of the year everything is up in the air, because now we're going to have a new Director coming in. Phil has been very supportive of implementing the plan and making the choice to lethally remove problem wolves - a very tough management decision, very tough political decision; and will the new director have the same mindset to take on a tough issue like that, even when people are screaming at you - but knowing you're doing the right thing.
Those interested in being a candidate for the wolf advisory panel should submit a written application which includes address, phone number and email along with relevant experience and affiliations to Dave Ware, Game Division Manager with Fish and Wildlife in Olympia by 5pm November 14. For more information visit wdfw.wa.gov.
That's Washington Ag Today.
I'm Lacy Gray with the Ag Information Network of the West.