It appears that in the realm of fast food customers don’t prefer healthier fare, at least not when it comes to their french fries. In an attempt to compete with McDonald’s Burger King introduced lower-calorie french fries at most of its restaurants last year. The response has been shall we say less than satisfying for Burger King’s “Satisfries”. While I understand the pressure most fast food chains are under to create healthier versions of customer favorites - it is a risky venture to change customers favorite indulgences, and french fries are definitely a favorite indulgence of most fast food chain customers. And let’s be honest here - how many people who frequent fast food restaurants are factoring in healthy eating and calorie count? Of course another reason the “satisfries” maybe didn’t meet with customer approval was the fact that they cost more than their higher calorie counterparts. Is a drop of a few calories going to make fast food customers pay 20% more for their fries? Apparently not. Anyone out there shocked by this? I didn’t think so.