Travel Safe & More on Korean Trade
Travel Safe & More on Korean Trade plus Burger Bacteria. I'm Greg Martin with today's Northwest Report.Wednesday's announcement that Korea and the U.S. have opened up organic trade was a big boost to producers here. USDA's National Organic Program's Miles McEvoy talks about why this is such a good thing for farmers and food manufacturers as it makes it an even easier, more direct, pathway into the Korean market.
EVOY: They don't have to then get duplicative inspections and certifications to the Korean standards in order to sell their products into the Korean market. So it really decreases their regulatory burden and the fees that they would have to incur in order to access that market.
Well it is the Fourth of July holiday weekend and if you are getting a late start on your travels be aware that you will be joining a busy group of travelers. AAA reports that gas prices are up so make sure your vehicle tire pressure, filters and more are up to date. The travel weekend began on Wednesday and has already seen longer lines at border crossings, ferry terminals and on mountain passes. Lines at airports are reported to be longer as well. Be safe and enjoy the holiday.
Now, don't let those holiday weekend hamburgers give you a pain. Gary Crawford reports.
(USDA Report)
Thanks Gary. That's today's Northwest Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.