Focusing On Key Job Programs, Lending & Disaster Relief
Focusing On Key Job Programs, Lending & Disaster ReliefI'm Lacy Gray with Washington Ag Today.
During a recent Small Business Committee hearing Committee Chairwoman U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell addressed the issues of investing in disaster assistance loans; continuing successful export-assistance programs; bolstering small business lending and addressing a drop in lending to minority-owned businesses. Cantwell also sought assurances from new Small Business Administration administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet that impacted businesses across the State Route 530 corridor are informed they are eligible for disaster lending programs in the aftermath of the mudslide.
CANTWELL: Oso and Darrington and the nearby community of Arlington have seen major transportation impacts because the 530 corridor is a community in and of itself. Too often these disaster victims fall through the cracks and get caught between FEMA and SBA, and SBA and the Department of Agriculture. So, I want to make sure we continue to improve the service and coordination.
Contreras-Sweet stated that three forms of low-interest disaster relief loans offered by the SBA became available to impacted Washington citizens after President Obama declared the mudslide to be a major disaster. They include businesses that sustain property damage, businesses that sustain economic loss, and loans of up to $200,000 to homeowners for damage not covered by insurance.
CONTRERAS-SWEET: We want to make sure that they understand what we're capable of doing and so we're doing everything that we can to get the word out - to give the adequate information to our counseling centers, to the disaster team and so all of the resources of the SBA are being brought to bear for this team. This is when we should shine the most.
That's Washington Ag Today.
I'm Lacy Gray on the Ag Information Network.