Pesticide Forum & Water Supply Concerns
Pesticide Forum & Water Supply ConcernsI'm Lacy Gray with Washington Ag Today.
The second annual Washington Agency Pest & Pesticide Issues Forum will be held April 10 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Washington Farm Bureau office in Lacey. Hosted by the Washington Friends of Farms & Forests this public forum will cover current pesticide related issues, educational projects, research projects, training efforts and more. Ten minute presentations will be given by representatives from several agencies, including the WSDA, DOH, L & I, Fish & Wildlife, Ecology and the state Noxious Weed Control Program.
One of the main concerns on most growers minds here in the state right now is the Wanapum dam issue. BJ Thurlby with the Washington Fruit Commission explains.
THURLBY: I've heard from numerous growers about the Wanapum dam issue. Of course when it comes to massive engineering projects nothing can possibly happen overnight and so we're very worried about what the scenario is for agriculture through this summer. As you know, water is the lifeblood of agriculture - not just tree fruit growers, but any in agriculture. It's a big issue.
Thurlby describes the water situation.
THURLBY: I have never seen the water so low. From the boat launch at Vantage and all the way down along towards the dam it's all dirt and rocks going half way out into the river. And so what the real issue is that that low level of water in the Columbia River - for certain parts of that river - the question is, since some of our irrigation is being pumped out of that portion of the river, where does it leave agriculture when your ability to pump the water is gone because your pump or your mechanism of your piping doesn't reach the water.
That's Washington Ag Today.
I'm Lacy Gray on the Ag Information Network.