U.S. Table Stock Shows Promise in Dominican Republic
Another new and promising market for U.S. table stock potatoes is Central America's Dominican Republic.Sarah Reece, United States Potato Board International Marketing Manager shares that last fall she visited the country and met with different retailers and importers. USPB held an educational seminar and invited the trade to attend.
Reece: "The seminar included presentations on U.S. potatoes, storage and handling and included some consumer research information that we recently received. The results of the consumer research will help us determine how to move forward in the program. Because the Dominican Republic is a newer target market it was really important to get this information and this visit itself was very beneficial. Potatoes are a huge part of diets in the Dominican Republic and they are consumed there pretty frequently. So we are already in a good position to market potatoes there. A key to increasing our sales there will be to showcase the potato's nutritional value and to education consumers about potato varieties and their best uses."
Reece says that there has been nearly a 253 percent increase in fresh potato exports (which includes both table stocks and chipping potatoes) to the Dominican Republic from the 2011-12 marketing year to last marketing year.