1-1 IAN Carbon Credits and Ag

1-1 IAN Carbon Credits and Ag

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
I have to admit that I've bought into the global warming issue over the past 5 years but that's a result of my personal experiences. I was brought up in cold country where ponds froze over in November, used to come to Boise to play hockey in the winter in the late 70's and believe me, it was a lot colder then than it is these days. That said, I don't think farmers, ranchers, livestock methane and beyond have a thing to do with it.

There's a lot of buzz on Capitol Hill that congress is very unlikely to pass any kind of climate change legislation this year.  But that doesn't mean the issue is at a standstill. Let me read you something written by Utah Farm Bureau CEO Randy Parker. Fudged numbers, climate gravy train, data tricks and suppression of differing viewpoints all come to mind when asked about the recent "Climategate" scandal.  Hundreds of emails have recently come to light that affectively undermine the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis and the climate change alarmist's claims of "scientific consensus."

Lots of big words and lots of thoughts coming from Randy. I called him up about this whole climate issue. He started discussing the carbon credits thing and was fairly blunt about its impact on agriculture: " The carbon credits, there are some that would benefit, but when you talk about the added costs of energy and agriculture is very energy intensive, it'd kill us."

Pass legislation that puts farmers out of business and it will also kill us...via starvation.

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