Extremem Overreaction
The extreme overreaction by a Colorado teacher and superintendent over a six year old’s awkward attempts to show a little classmate that he really really likes her by continually trying to kiss her hand is just another example of how society has gone overboard when it comes to handling minor discipline issues. For heavens sake he is a six year old with a crush, sit him down and explain to him why he needs to stop when someone asks him to. It often seems that because school teachers, principles, and superintendents are virtually impotent nowadays when it comes to controlling truly serious breeches of conduct in the upper grades they impose over the top disciplinary action in response to minor misconduct on the elementary level. This situation should have been handled by the teacher and the parents without the suspension and sexual harassment claim, the eventual dropping of said claim, and the media circus that has ensued. But perhaps there lies the rub - was the desire for national attention by the “victim’s” mother a large driving force behind the whole thing. Current society’s penchant for posting every moment of every day on Facebook doesn’t help to dispel such situations. It only ignites them. But that’s another Food Forethought altogether.