Open Mouth Insert Foot
After reading John McCain’s response to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s New York Times op-ed piece I couldn’t help but think of the comment I made to my husband several weeks back that WWIII would probably be started because of a blog, Facebook post, or some other social media type posting by opposing politicians. That said, I understand McCain’s irritation at Putin’s blatant manipulation of the American public. Putin keeps tabs on which way the wind blows when it comes to public opinion on world issues just like any other politician does, whether it be monitoring Russians or Americans. He observed that most Americans were not in favor of a U.S. military strike on Syria and took that opportunity to make himself sound like the poster boy for world peace; history proves otherwise. But the U.S. President is the only person who should have responded to Putin, if a response was deemed necessary, which in this case it probably wasn’t. The sound of silence can be deafening. Yes, here in America we are privileged to have the freedom of speech, but that doesn’t mean we should take every opportunity we can to “open mouth and insert foot”.