Cause Of Bee Deaths
In the search for the cause for bee deaths and colony collapse disorder many suggestions have been made. There is the theory of cell phone usage as the culprit. A USDA report in 2010 blamed the decline of bee hives on a combination of environmental stressors that leave worker bees susceptible to viruses, parasites, mites and other pathogens. Earlier this year a peer-reviewed report from the European Food Safety Authority stated recent studies show that neonicotinoid pesticides, which are widely used throughout the world, contribute to colony collapse disorder. Yet another report this year from researchers at the University of Pittsburgh points at a potential alternative cause for CCD - metal pollution of the soil combined with environmental efforts to decontaminate soil. The most agreed on point by researchers is that the answer to colony collapse disorder lies somewhere in a combination of contributing factors. The solution is not as simple as to say, “stop spraying all pesticides everywhere”. Ultimately, we have to find a way to protect pollinators while still allowing farmers to have bountiful crop production.