A Few Nuggets Shy

A Few Nuggets Shy

I’ve heard and seen some “doofy” things in my time but the request by PETA to erect a statue more than five foot tall in Salem, Oregon in honor of chickens that were killed, maimed, or just plain missing after a truck accident there earlier this month has to be one of the doofiest. The statue was to depict a bloodied chicken on crutches with a In Memory Of epitaph ending with a “Go Vegan”. I know, DOOFY! The city of Salem and the Oregon Department of Transportation have denied PETA’s request. Thank heaven for small favors and a refreshing dose of common sense prevailing. PETA’s non-stop attention getting antics seem to just be getting sillier and sillier. They more than likely didn’t expect to be given the okay to erect such a statue. I have to wonder though how many “donation dollars” were wasted in paying cartoonist Harry Bliss to design the statue. The fact that they hired a cartoonist to design it kind of says it all.
Personally, I don’ think the statue would have stopped very many people from wanting to eat meat. It would however prove once again that whoever makes PETA’s marketing decisions is just a few nuggets shy of a “Happy Meal”.  

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