REAP Deadline Change & Country of Origin Labeling plus Camp Cooking
REAP Deadline Change & Country of Origin Labeling plus Camp Cooking. I’m Greg Martin with today’s Northwest Report.
The deadline to apply for USDA's Rural Energy for America Program is extended to the end of May. Kelley Oehler of USDA's Rural Development explains why the application deadline was extended to May 31st.
OEHLER: The extension came about because of the passage of the continuing resolution that happened the last week of March and we basically had our funding announcement at the Federal Register for publication when the continuing resolution was passed. And when it happened with the continuing resolution is it actually removed some restrictive language that was contained in the prior year appropriations bill and with the restrictive language removed, the funding that was available for the program from the 2008 Farm Bill actually became available. So once that happened we decided to extend the application window to allow participants to submit applications and apply for the funding.
USDA has issued a final rule to modify the labeling provisions for muscle cut commodities covered under the Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) program. The final rule modifies the labeling provisions for muscle cut covered commodities to require the origin designations to include information about where each of the production steps, such as where an animal was born, raised and slaughtered, occurred and removes the allowance for commingling of muscle cuts.
Now summertime campout cooking tips. Rod Bain has more.
(USDA Report)
Thanks Rod. That’s today’s Northwest Report. I’m Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.