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177 Results
177 Results
Idaho Ag Today
The plan to construct a new Idaho Wheat Commission building, discussed and planned for years, is no longer in a holding pattern.
California Ag Today
The American Beef Labeling Act would require the U.S. Trade Representative, in consultation with the USDA, to develop a World Trade Organization-compliant means of reinstating MCOOL for beef within one year of enactment.
Southeast Regional Ag News
A reinstatement of mandatory Country of Origin Labeling? It could be on the horizon with the reintroduction of the American Beef Labeling Act. The U.S. Cattlemen's Association weighs in.
Fruit Grower Report
We're kicking off the new year with some interesting weather with a lot of snow in the mountains and strong storms. Cliff Mass, Atmospheric Sciences professor at the University of Washington, says we are in the midst of a La Nina, a weak La Nina, but it has implications for the winter.
Fruit Grower Report
We're kicking off the new year with some interesting weather with a lot of snow in the mountains and strong storms. Cliff Mass, Atmospheric Sciences professor at the University of Washington, says we are in the midst of a La Nina, a weak La Nina, but it has implications for the winter.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor says when it comes to fueling up your cars, many people aren’t all that familiar with E15, but should be.
Idaho Ag Today
Today, we're going to introduce you to some of your colleagues in the farming and ranching business. This time, Mater Farms on the Palouse.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor says when it comes to fueling up your cars, many people aren’t all that familiar with E15, but should be.
Fruit Grower Report
Cliff Mass, Atmospheric Sciences professor at the University of Washington, says we are in the midst of a La Nina, a weak La Nina, but it has implications for the winter.
Fruit Grower Report
Cliff Mass, Atmospheric Sciences professor at the University of Washington, says we are in the midst of a La Nina, a weak La Nina, but it has implications for the winter.
California Ag Today
China has banned meat exports from a California cold storage facility near the Port of Oakland after traces of the feed additive ractopamine were found in beef shipments
Line on Agriculture
R-CALF USA is including veterans in it's plight for mandatory country-or-origin legislation.
Southeast Regional Ag News
Montana U.S. Senator Jon Tester continues with bipartisan push for mandatory Country of Origin Labeling.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Washington Potato Commission Executive Director, Chris Voigt says from what he's hearing, this year's potato crop is looking pretty good.
Washington State Farm Bureau Report
Washington Potato Commission Executive Director, Chris Voigt says from what he's hearing, this year's potato crop is looking pretty good.
Fruit Grower Report
Northwest Cherry Grower's President, BJ Thurlby breaks down the numbers from the recent 5 State meeting in the Tri Cities on how the 2023 cherry crop is shaping up.
Fruit Grower Report
Northwest Cherry Grower's President, BJ Thurlby breaks down the numbers from the recent 5 State meeting in the Tri Cities on how the 2023 cherry crop is shaping up.