Power of Poo

Power of Poo

So, just what can you do with poo? Well, quite a lot actually. Of course livestock manure has long been a source of natural fertilizer. And manure from numerous different animals - chickens, cows, pigs - has been proven to work as an alternative energy source. Ten thousand cows from as many as thirteen farms in Vermont will be helping to generate electricity through the power of their poo for one of the state’s popular ski resorts. Methane digesters are helping dairy farmers and feedlot operators cut waste management costs while providing electricity and power needs, in addition to adding revenue to their operations and reducing surface and groundwater contamination. There are even technologies being studied to re-process human waste. And then there is the rather odd idea from a Belgian designer and scientist who have been working for the last couple of years on developing a diet for pigeons that would essentially have them pooping soap. If successful, pigeons would soon be helping to clean up cities instead of the other way around. Now that is definitely an idea whose time has come.  

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